GOLLY. Sorry for the delay on this one. It was actually done on Wednesday, but I had some health issues I had to tend to that kept it from getting out. I think I've finally committed to hand bubbling. I really enjoy the flexibility I think it's going to bring as well as just generally taking up far less space on the page.
Other notes:
Just a heads up, R.O.A.R might be a bit sporadic on the updates from now until about mid October. I've got quite alot on my plate, between paid work, hobbies, and family obligations. I'll try and be transparent about what week(s) I might miss but it's still subject to change.
I don't like putting ROAR on the sideline, because it's an incredibly important project to me, especially when we're at what I feel is a pivotal moment in the story...but it is hard to turn down opportunities that I feel will make me both a better artist, and a better person. It all feeds back to ROAR in the end, as the more I learn and improve, and recharge the better this passion of mine will always be.